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1.     外教到职后需准备好办理各种证件所需要照片及有关费用、

2.     外教须妥善保管好自己的护照、签证、居留证、工作证、专家证等证件,并注意上述证件的有效期限;如需办理签证、居留证延期手续,需提前20天到外事处提出申请,并交纳有关费用。

3.     合同期内,如外教利用周末、国庆节等休息时间,到绥化市以外的地区进行短期旅行,需提前向外事处说明情况,经允许后,方可离开所在地。如需外事处帮助联系或订购飞机票、火车票,应提前10天向外事处提出申请。外教如想回国探亲,必须办理再入境手续。该手续可提前20天向外事处提出申请,同时交纳有关费用。

4.     外教会客时间 8002200。来访人员须出示有效证件并在外籍教师公寓门卫处办理会客登记手续后方可入内。外教会客时须遵守会客时间和有关规章制度,不得私自留宿他人。确需住宿者,须向外事处提出申请并到门卫处办理住宿手续。

5.     按操作规则正确使用各种电器,房间内禁止使用电炉子和电暖器。离开房间时,要检查水、电、和门窗是否关好。

6.     请爱护室内设备,不得损坏、拆卸、改装家具和设备。大风天和冬季注意管好门窗,以防损坏门窗和玻璃,冻坏暖气设备。房间备有物品登记卡,值班员将随时核对房间物品。房间物品设施因外教本人原因受损、丢失,须按规定交纳赔偿金。

7.     每学期开学时需提前返校备课。如确有特殊原因不能及时返校,需提前20天与外事处联系,说明情况,经同意后,方可延期返校。

8.     每学期期末,完成规定的教学任务和学生考试任务后,方可按学校规定的放假时间休假;如需提前休假,需提前20天到外事处进行申请,经同意后,方可离校。

Notices for Foreign Teachers

1. Foreign teachershould prepare photograph needed for the relevant certificates and afford therelevant expenses after arrival.

2. Foreign teachershould keep safe his own passport, visa, residence permit, work permit, expertcertificate and other documents. Once the extension of visa or residence permitis needed, please apply to the Foreign Affairs Office 20 days in advance andafford the relevant expenses.

3. Foreign teacherunder the contract should inform the Foreign Affairs Office about theirdeparture in advance, if you schedule a short-term trip outside Suihua cityduring the weekend or the National Day. You should apply to the Foreign AffaireOffice 10 days in advance, if you need their help to contact or buy air ortrain ticket. Foreign teacher, who wishes to return home to visit relatives,must apply to the Foreign Affairs Office 20 day in advance to go throughre-entry procedures and afford the relevant expenses.

4. Foreign teachershould abide by the relevant visiting rules and visiting hours (from 8:00am to22:00pm), if you have guests. Guests are required to show their credentials andregister at the reception room. Foreign teacher should not have any guest stayfor the night unless going through the relevant formality of accommodation.

5. Foreign teachershould make proper use of electric appliances (electric cooker and heater areforbidden) and check water and electricity, and whether the door and windowsare shut before leaving.

6. Foreign teachershould take care of indoor equipments which can not be damaged, demolition, andmodification. During the windy days and winter, please shut the windows anddoors to prevent damages. People on duty will check the room items according toitems registration card. Foreign teacher should compensate for the damage andlost due to personal reason.

7. Foreign teachershould return the Suihua College in time every semester, or inform the ForeignAffairs Office 20 days in advance about delay and apply for the permissionunder special reasons.

8. Foreign teachershould finish the teaching schedule and students’ final exam according to theCollege’s regulations before leaving, or apply to the Foreign Affairs Officefor permission to departure earlier than regulated schedule under specialreasons.



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